what does consciousness ask

this infinite consciousness,
completely whole,
that wants and needs nothing beyond itself:

what does it ask of ‘me’?

first of all,
it asks of this moment,
that it should be.

exactly as it is:
not one iota out of place.

the entire cosmos has aligned exactly for this, right now…
there are no independent entities that could have affected the circumstances…
this very experience, without exception, is the providence of a universal will.

there is only one reality,
and it flows as the freedom of life’s movement,
its natural intelligence.

…but of ‘me’ – this body and mind…?

it’s a good question.

I would suggest that first
life asks us all to open to a possibility
beyond ‘me as a separate entity’.

that doesn’t always come in the form of an explicit spiritual search –
though the spiritual search is, as I see it, the culmination of freedom from the belief in separation.

it can come in service, for instance:
doing something that lies beyond the fringes of self-interest..

it can come in creativity:
creating something new, which always come from outside-the-box of the ego…

it can come in simple ways:
a smile to a stranger, a good meal with friends, a moment of laughter…

ways and moments of freedom,
ultimately of happiness,
these are where we are all directed,
is it not?

so, what does consciousness ask of me?

it asks us to, first, discover the happiness of living impersonally…
and that is the destiny for everyone.

and then…who knows…there is no agenda…

this impersonality emerges in time and space through the form of each of us –
and we owe this opportunity of existence as individuals to the reality we are –

Life didn’t make a mistake in putting you here!

perhaps the question why am I here?
has no literal answer.

but the fact is, we are here…
and this moment is its own purpose…

what does consciousness ask?

only consciousness could answer…
and it does, and will, through the way this
very life
moves through you
and your life –
an individual, beautiful expression
of cosmic creativity.

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